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QTI Question & Test Interoperability Specification

Table of contents for QTI

  • Introduction to QTI
  • Editor Tool
  • What is QTI?

    The IMS Question & Test Interoperability specification is a data model designed for representation of tests, questions and reporting their results. The data model is described abstractly with UML to support the exchange between many authoring tools.
    of the cartridge content. However, unlike for SCORM content, the cartridge will not implement interactivity by itself.

    QTI is applicable to all systems that access or supply digital test items or tests - such as learning platforms (LMS, CMS, VLE, IMS), digital content, content management/repository systems, test item banking systems, mobile technology, authoring tools, assessment systems and data analytics systems.
    The main purpose of the QTI specification is to define an information model and associated binding that can be used to represent and exchange assessment items. For the purposes of QTI, an item is a set of interactions (possibly empty) collected together with any supporting material and an optional set of rules for converting the candidate's response(s) into assessment outcomes.
    The most widely used version of QTI is version 1.2, which was finalized in 2002. This works well for exchanging simple question types, and is supported by many tools that allow the creation of questions. A number of issues had been raised by using and implementing QTI.
    Some are more fundamental issues that would require extensive clarification or significant extension of the specification to resolve.
    QTI Version2.0 was released in 2005 with an addendum attached in 2008 to a draft v2.1.
    It should be noted that this specification is focusing on the Item. It is not updating Section and Assessment from v1.x. The QTI V2.0 release of the specification concentrated only on the individual assessmentItem and did not update those parts of the specification that dealt with the aggregation of items into sections and test results. The QTI V2.1 release completes the update von 1.x to 2.x by replacing the remaining parts of the specification.

    Authoring tool:

    Onyx Editor 2.3 (QTI)

    The Onyx Editor is a Java-based, desktop application for creating and editing tests and surveys based on the IMS Question and Test Interoperability specification (QTI) 2.1. This authoring tool makes it easy to implement multimedia-based designs for multifunctional tests.

    The software is easy to install and is based on the German language but, if the operating system is English, the language will be displayed in English. Some interested content provider are going to translate it in different languages.

    The editor allows importing of IMS QTI v1.2 from Blackboard. The developers of Onyx are working on an export and import function for OLAT QTI v1.2 file. Onyx also provides an interface for the Alfresco learning management system, based on the earlier Alfresco document management system.

    The Onyx Editor is a part of the Onyx Testsuite and is developed by BPS Bildungsportal Sachsen GmbH. The Testsuite includes the editor, a player, the reporter to evaluate the results of tests and a plug-in to integrate the Testsuite into a LMS.
    For more information go to