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Learning Resource Exchange

ASPECT WebinarThe Learning Resource Exchange (LRE) from European Schoolnet (EUN) is a publicly available service that enables schools to find educational content from many different countries and providers. It was launched as a public service in December 2008 with a first phase particularly dedicated to supporting eTwinning schools before a full-scale promotion to the entire school community at the end of 2010.

The Learning Resource Exchange currently includes over 260.000 learning resources and assets from 31 content providers, including 18 Ministries of Education: Austria, Belgium (Flemish-speaking community), Catalonia (Spain), Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Hungary, Germany, Iceland, Israel, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden. Anyone is able to browse content in the LRE federation of repositories and teachers that register can also use LRE social tagging tools.

Additional resources from LRE Associate Partners are also being included in the LRE and the amount of content that schools can access grows rapidly.

In ASPECT, a total of 40 school taking part in the project will be given permissions in order to access a customised version of the LRE portal that contains both open and commercial content. Work with schools using the ASPECT version of the LRE will include:

  • assessing to what extent the Common Cartridge specification provides real added value over SCORM in terms of the usability and re-usability of the LRE learning resources and
  • checking different ways of presenting protected content to LRE users.

Further details on the LRE and how organisations can participate in this initiative is available at, along with information on the LRE architecture and LRE Metadata Application Profile.

The LRE service has been developed with support from the European Commission’s IST and eContentplus programmes in the CALIBRATE, MELT and ASPECT projects and is being steered by Ministries of Education in European Schoolnet’s LRE Subcommittee.