Webinar: Common Cartridge and Moodle - 10 Nov 2010
Blended learning scenarios are designed by teachers who select the content which is appropriate for their audience and arrange it for use in the activities af the scenario. The Common Cartridge specification was designed to support this. It was published in 2008 by the IMS Global Learning Consortium as Version 1.0. The Common Cartridge specification is based on widely known specifications like IMS Content Packaging and IMS QTI 1.2, restricting them to the most commonly used features in order to maximize interoperability.
The actual version of the Learning Management System Moodle supports the import of Common Cartridges. The webinar shall explain the specifics of common cartridges and how they differ from SCORM packages. It will be discussed for which didactic scenarios the use of common cartridges offers advantages. We shall demonstrate how a cartridge is imported into Moodle and how its selected content is adapted and integrated into a Moodle course.
We shall also demonstrate how Common Cartridge content can be accessed from Moodle through the Icodeon framework. This latter method is applicable in most LMSs, even if they don’t support Common Cartridge natively.
Finally we provide an outlook to the coming Version 1.1 of the Common Cartridge specification and to the additional possibilities which it offers for the teacher and content author.
The webinar takes place on 10 November 2010, at 5PM CET. The webinar is totally free for all those interested and anyone can join easily through the Flashmeeting application.
See the recorded webinar here (Spanish slides)
See other ASPECT webinars here!
Presenters: Dr. Ingo Dahn and Patricia Heckmann, Knowledge Media Institute Koblenz of the University Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Dr. Ingo Dahn is the CEO of the Knowledge Media Institute Koblenz of the University Koblenz-Landau in Germany. His eLearning interests are in particular in personalization and in conformance testing issues. Ingo is a member of the IMS Technical Board. He was involved in developing the IMS Common Cartridge specification and a generic conformance testing technology.
Patricia Heckmann works as a computer scientist at the Knowledge Media Institute Koblenz of the University Koblenz-Landau in Germany. She is leading the Content Use Workpackage of the ASPECT project. Patricia has tested many tools of different kind for the project. She provides support for content providers for producing standards conformant packaged content.