An ASPECT briefing at the Frankfurt Book Fair: Making Learning Content Standards Work for You!
ASPECT project will take part in the annual Frankfurt Book Fair that takes this year place on 6-10 October. The ASPECT briefing "Making Learning Content Standards Work for You!" hosted by Young Digital Planet will be organised on 7 October and is open to all participants.
Standards and specifications for educational content can be difficult to understand and even harder to apply effectively, especially in a world where user-generated content and Web 2.0 tools are currently exploding. The ASPECT briefing will help the participants:
- Understand how existing and emerging standards and specifications can best be applied to content aimed at schools
- Learn how standards can add value to your own content
- Hear how teachers respond to content standards such as SCORM and IMS Common Cartridge
With partners from 15 countries, including 9 Ministries of Education (MoE), four commercial content developers and leading technology providers, ASPECT brings together experts from all international standardisation bodies and consortia active in e-learning in order to improve the adoption of learning technology standards and specifications.
The briefing will address the following issues:
- How ASPECT content partners such as Young Digital Planet are developing best practice approaches to implementing content standards such as SCORM and the new IMS Common Cartridge specification.
- How 40 teachers have responded to using resources that have been ‘packaged’ by ASPECT content developers using both SCORM and Common Cartridge standards.
- How publishers and content developers can benefit from ASPECT tools and support services that include: a Vocabulary Bank for Education; Application Profile registry; automatic translation service for LOM and content packaging formats; compliance testing; metadata transformer services; acces to standards’ experts.
- How you can participate in ASPECT workshops and plugfests.
Places on this free briefing are limited. So please confirm your participation immediately with Agnieszka Matras, AMatras[AT]
7 October 2010, 12.00 – 16.00
- 12.00 --- Registration and buffet lunch
- 13.00 --- ASPECT background and objectives
- 13.15 --- Using ASPECT tools to implement learning content standards - from content creation to delivery. Lars Ingsman, UNI•C
- 13.45 --- How publishers can benefit from implementing learning content standards – the experience of Young Digital Planet in the ASPECT project. Artur Polanski, Young Digital Planet
- 14.15 --- What teachers are saying about learning content standards – results of the ASPECT work with 40 schools in Belgium, Lithuania, Portugal and Romania. Àgueda Gras-Velázquez, European Schoolnet
- 14.45 --- How do standards affect the educational publishing industry? Panel discussion
- 16.00 --- Close of briefing
The ASPECT briefing is just a 7 minute walk from the Frankfurt Book Fair at the Mercure Hotel:
Mercure Hotel & Residence Frankfurt /Main
Voltastrasse 29
Frankfurt / Main
+49 69 79260
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Further information
- ASPECT project
- Young Digital Planet
- Learning Resource Exchange information
- Learning Resources Exchange service for schools
- European Schoolnet
- Frankfurt Book Fair