D2.2 Design of Data Model and Architecture for a Registry of Learning Object Repositories and Application Profiles
Summary: This deliverable proposes data models for registries. It provides a discussion on both registries of learning object repositories and registries of application profiles. The registries of learning object repositories hold the parameters necessary to apply protocols such as OAI-PMH, SQI, SPI, SRU/SRW. The registries of application profiles describe how learning objects in a repository are described. Both registries can be either consulted by humans or accessed by software processes.
The document is organized as follows. Section 1 introduces a data model for a repository of learning object repositories that was produced as a result of collaboration between partners in the ASPECT project, members of the IMS LODE Workgroup and members of the GLOBE alliance. Section 2 introduces a data model for a registry of application profiles. Section 3 describes the data model of the registry required by the digital rights’ management approach proposed in ASPECT Deliverable D3.1. Section 4 proposes a set of standard Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for managing these registries. Finally, Section 5 describes how these repositories can be combined with other ASPECT services in a service-oriented architecture.