New article: Taming the Metadata Beast: ILOX
An article "Taming the Metadata Beast: ILOX" has been published in the D-Lib Magazine. The article proposes a framework for organizing multiple metadata specifications in a container that can be handled as a whole. This framework, named Information for Learning Object eXchange (ILOX), is developed as part of the IMS Learning Object Discovery & Exchange (LODE) specification that aims to facilitate the discovery and retrieval of learning objects stored across more than one collection. While thus far ILOX has been demonstrated to resolve a number of challenges specific to the e-learning domain, it is a generic framework that can be profiled to organize metadata about any type of digital content.
The authors are:
- David Massart and Elena Shulman, European Schoolnet (EUN), Belgium
- Nick Nicholas, Australian National Data Service (ANDS), Australia
- Nigel Ward, eResearch Lab, the University of Queensland, Australia
- Frédéric Bergeron, TELUQ, Canada
Read the full article here