ONYX QTI Editor in different languages
ONYX is an editor for creating questionaires from Bildungsportal Sachen (BPS).
Onyx is a professional holistic application for web-based testing and evaluation. A large variety of item and interaction design, test control and response processing enables Onyx to adapt to more individual test scenarios by creating suitable solutions. Onyx is directly connected to the learning platform OLAT which enables a simple and effective online administration of users, tests, and results as well as their direct embedding in other learning contents. The test layout enables a reasonable accessibility for users providing clear structures, simple navigations and the adherence to habitual user operations. Configurable templates help to customize the test design in terms of other languages or further navigation elements.
The tool is in german, english and spanish available. Is somebody interested to proive (BPS)with a translation in his own language?
All who'll do a tranlation will get a full version of the tool for free! The free version can be downloaded here http://www.bps-system.de/cms/index.php?id=145
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